Copyright 2016. Summer Lake Vizslas. All rights reserved.

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We strongly recommend to people who never owned a vizsla before to watch this video before filling out the questionaire

How we raise our puppies:

*  Both parents are O.F.A. certified free of hips and elbows dysplasia

*  Tails are docked and dewclaws are removed on day two or three

*  Starting at day 1 they begin to wear collars

*  At age of 3 weeks the puppies begin housebreak training using the Misty Method.

*  At age of 3-4 weeks they start gradual transition from mother milk to solid puppy food (aka weaning)

*  At age of 5 weeks they are introduced to crate

*  After 5 weeks, and if weather permits they are taken outdoors.

*  They eat and play on various surfaces (carpet, grass, concrete, and snow in the winter)

*  After 5 weeks they are introduced to water, so they won’t be afraid of swimming in their adult lives.

*  They get exposed to kids, pets and other dogs.

*  They are given many different types of toys to play with.

*  They get their first puppy shots and are dewormed at least 3 times before going home

*  They see a vet for a "well puppy" check before going home.

*  They are ready to go home after age of 8 weeks. We send them home with a “new puppy” package including food supply for the  first few days and some bedding with the siblings’  and Mom's smell, so the transition to the new home will be less stressful.

 * We guarantee in writing that the puppies will be free of hip dysplasia.

Raising a puppy is lot of joy, but also lot of hard work and responsibility. The first months of life are extremely important as the personality traits and social skills that he will have all his life are beginning to form. Studies have shown that a puppy’s experiences in the first three months of life strongly influence what kind of companion he will grow to be and how he will react to the world. How he will react on other animals? Will he shy away from children? Will he be afraid of new people or will he be easygoing and adaptable in a variety of situations?  Early socialization is a vital determinant of a dog’s lifelong behavior and the first 12 weeks of a puppy's life are the most critical time. To build a foundation for the proper socialization we expose our  puppies from early on to as wide a variety of environments, situations, animals, and types of people as can be done safely and without causing trauma to the pups. By taking steps to see that the pups we  breed are properly socialized during those critical first  weeks, we  ensure that they will grow to be happy, well-rounded companions for life.